"They can't take the reductions in payments from previous bond issues and use it as a Mduction p,ublic." against this one. \c"Based on their estimates, the numbers come out to be an average of $211 a year, not the $117 they portrayed to the public in information sent out ' Edwards said. :'" However, Plymouth Township Treasurer Ron Edwards has been telling his constituents the district isn't telling the truth. "The millage rate actually goes down because the higher the taxable value of the school district plus the j1eduction in total debt (previous bond issues), means less millage we'll have to levy to meet the principal and interest obligation ofthe bond issue." kBrand said taxpayers will be obligated for a maximum $117, or less, for the next 25 years if the both bonds pass.

tL?mUb, "The state requires the bond language on the bal- Ipt to say how much you would levy for just that ~ne issue," said Patricia Brand, the district's assis- !'ant superintendent for business services. 22 if the second bond is passed, foj' a total of. 6 mills if the first bond is passed, phl:' the. While the combination of the two ballot questions asks voters to approve a total of LOB mills, school officials have advertised they will only levy. 22 tpills, would build a theater and a varsity soccer field at P-CEP, a swimming pool at Plymouth High School, an auxiliary gym at Salem High School and iwprovements to the baseball and softball fields at panton High School. ' Center at the ,eThe second proposal for $24.8 million, or. " able value) for building expansions, a new mid- ', ,e school and a Career and Technical ~ 19h school park. i',~,The first bond question for $95.4 million asks ~9ters to approve.

Oddly ~f.0ngh, that's the only thing critics agree with the ~chool distric t about when it comes to what the real i!#illage rate will be if the proposal is passed. "Plymouth-Canton Schools officials agree with £hat when it comes to the millage rate listed for the l!irst bond proposal on Tuesday's ballot. _~ hometownllFLcom - SECTION C HEALTH - PAGE C8 updates of photos, news and sports online at CANTON 7$ cents WINNERS OF OVER 100 STATE AND NATIONAL AWARDS SINCE 2001 District, critics $par over actual school bond cost BY TONY BRUSCATO STAFF WRITER The old adage is ''you can't believe ~ad." everything you. :'Salem knocks off Churchill in baseball SPORTS - SECTION B '._".A~IView daily SUNDAY ApPlymouth-Canton educator leading the AAUW way.